Thursday, December 13, 2012


Mission The honorable mention department shall offer reference book to all customers more everyplace those for whom the risk of loss is probable. Goals The department goals are to operate with no more than one collections person per 1,000 customers, while attaining a harmful debt percentage no higher(prenominal) than 2 percent of gross revenue and annual geezerhood sales outstanding of no higher than 42 long time. Responsibility The realization manager has final authority over the granting of credit and the assignment of credit hold status. Credit-Level Assignment every last(predicate) customers shall be granted a minimum credit level of $ d without any formal credit review. Any customers applying for a credit limit over this amount must submit monetary statements and credit references, which shall be used with the companys credit scoring system to arrive at a credit line. Collections Methodology The standard collection methodology shall be an e-mail depicted object including a PDF file containing the invoice image, which shall be sent tail fin long time after the invoice imputable date. The second bill is a fax containing the same information, which shall be issued seven days after the invoice due date. The third step is a phone call to the customer, to be sent nine days after the invoice due date.
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If an invoice larger than $1,000 is recreational once it is 15 days past the invoice due date, all customer credit shall be halted. All invoices not yet paid shall be turned over to a collection agency once they are 60 days past due. Terms of sale The companys standard term of sale are 2/10 net 30. All other terms of sale must be clear in advance by the credit manager. Order foundation and Shipment Policies The next list itemizes four order entree policies that are intended to avoid fraudulent orders, ensure seemly pricing, and avoid the acceptance of special customer terms. There are also three policies related to credit management, the most big of which is the overall corporate credit policy. The intent of having such a policy is to provide some structure to... If you want to repel a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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